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Just How Strange Are You?

Why do Homeopaths ask so many questions?

Homeopathy works because it is in alignment with a universal law called the Law of Similars. This law states that a substance that would create symptoms in a relatively large material dose, will cure the same symptoms if given in an infinitesimal  dose. (That’s very small)!  In fact the word Homeopathy comes from the Greek words homeo and pathos which together means ‘like cures like’. 

Why is this important? As Homeopaths, it is our task to match your symptoms: physically, mentally and beyond, to the symptoms that a substance would cause if taken in a relatively large material dose. These same symptoms are the symptoms of your disease.  (Our remedies have been proven experimentally and clinically). There are currently more than 8,000 homeopathic remedies. Each remedy treats multiple conditions. The only way we know which remedy to choose for you is by your particular symptoms or your particular expression of the disease. 

How is this different than conventional medicine? The mindset of conventional medicine tends to be to give a medicine that opposes or is opposite to the expression of your symptoms. This may suppress the symptoms and cause them to go deeper into your system. For example suppressed psoriasis can express itself as rheumatism, which is deeper in your body. It can also cause the foundation of your disease to be stronger thus making it harder to cure. An example of this is antibiotic resistance. 

We want to know everything about your main complaint! What makes it better and what makes it worse. What time of day it is the worst or the least troublesome. If the weather or if different seasons affect it, etc. We also want to know how your bodily functions function. Do you tend to be warmer or colder than people around you? What are your bowel movements like? What are your fears and phobias? What foods do you crave? The most helpful pieces of information however, are those aspects of you that are “strange, rare and peculiar” (otherwise know as ‘characteristic’). If we can find what is most characteristic about you, we have a greater chance of finding the best medicine for you. 

Some examples of strange, rare and peculiar symptoms that we have seen are the following. Someone may think there is someone under their bed (but there isn’t). Someone may think that their brain is softening (but it isn’t). Someone may think that they are divided into two parts (but they aren’t). Someone may think that they are made of glass (unlikely). Someone might feel like there is something alive in their abdomen, yet they are not pregnant. Someone might have a cough that gets worse when music is played. There are many more. Don’t think that we have never heard your characteristic symptoms. There is a good chance we have. 

With all of the information regarding what is going on with you, no matter how strange it may be, we have the keys to unlock your most healthy self and to open the door to free you to do the things you were meant to do without the obstacles of physical, mental or emotional illness.  This is the gift Homeopathy can give to you.

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